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About Chelsea

Chelsea Quinton was born in Ontario Canada in 1994 and currently resides in Burlington Ontario Canada; she is a recent graduate of the Art and Art History Program at the University of Toronto. She has a Advanced Diploma In Art and Art History from Sheridan College and a Honours Bachelor of Arts Degree from U of T. Chelsea works mainly through drawing and print media and uses a variety of different mediums within these two disciplines. Mediums including: graphite, ink, charcoal, lithography, silk-screening, and water based mono printing.  Within her work Chelsea is currently exploring the themes of time and decay; she also enjoys creating fun decorative works of  art on her spare time.


Chelsea Is now a student of the Advertising and Marketing Communications program at Sheridan College and will receive her diploma in that field in 2018. She has a keen interest in the creative elements of advertising, art direction in particular. Chelsea not only has experience using traditional artistic media but digital media as well. 

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